Reorganize for your PostdocTransformation

PostdocTransformation show for scienctists leaping into business  
Get to know companies which hire people with a doctor title

Episode 0058 Shownotes

Create a time capsule 

to let go of being a scientist - 

for your PostdocTransformation

Do you want psychological closure upon leaving academia? In this episode of the PostdocTransformation Show, you will learn about the concept of creating a time capsule as an exercise to assist scientists transitioning from academia to industry. 
Prof. Dr. Eleonore Soei-Winkels shares her personal experience of moving from neuroscience to an IT analyst role, touching on the emotional and identity challenges involved. The episode offers a detailed guide on crafting a time capsule, which includes writing reflective letters and gathering symbolic items from one's academic past. The process not only honors past achievements but also helps in embracing new professional paths, providing reassurance that scientific skills are valuable in business.
For your free career planning, check your readiness to leap, enroll in our email course for your career transition made simple, and plan your life with our calendar
All linked in these show notes.
Subscribe to our weekly seasonal show on your favorite podcast platforms: Why? Postdoc scientists & PhD students / candidates will learn the basics for their career transition from research into business & industries AND will get to know a company that hires early career scientists! 

About our PostdocTransformation show

Invest in your PostdocTransformation. Welcome to the seasonal show for scientists leaping into business. In every sponsored episode, we are happy to recommend employers of choice for you. Make sure to check your readiness to leap out of science with us for free, as linked in the show notes. For your career transition, we offer customized career transition e-courses and memberships, also at graduate schools all over the world.
Maybe yours too. And if your university isn't yet our customer, enroll in your free email course for career transition made simple as linked in the show notes. I'm your host, Professor Dr. Eleonore Soei Winkels, with my team who is rooting for you. And let's build your PostdocTransformation with this episode. 


Announcement: Second upcoming podcast show #CreatingReorganized 

[00:00:00] Thank you for listening to my PostdocTransformation Show. Maybe you want to leap out of science and start your own side business as a runway for your better future. Then you will benefit from my free business preparation quiz as linked in the show notes. If you want to organize your marketing and selling efforts, please also subscribe to my new video podcast show, Creating Reorganized.
[00:00:25] I share my tricks from creating this show, speak with business owners who run a podcast for their business, and learn from podcasting service providers about their tools boosting our businesses. My new video podcast show, CreatingReorganized, will also be a living example of applied industrial and occupational psychology for my students in real life.
[00:00:46] And now, let's get to this episode.

[00:01:52] Creating a Time Capsule for Career Transition    

[00:01:51] Dear PostdocTransformer. Welcome to another episode of the PostdocTransformation Show for the scientists leaping into business. Today, we're exploring a unique and symbolic exercise, creating a time capsule to find peace and letting go of your identity as a scientist before starting your first non-academic our non-scientific role in business or industry. Are you ready?
[00:02:25] To be honest before becoming a mom of two kids in primary and secondary school, I wasn't even aware of that concept. However, I have always collected memorabilia from my past in a huge huge box and I'm forward to look into it together with my kids one day.
[00:02:44] I learned about this concept from the school teacher of my kid, while I preparing to start fifth grade in her secondary school. And I thought this is a great episode topic also for you. So maybe you've been already contemplating about the big question. How do I carry forward? The best The best of my academic experience while letting go of the aspects that no longer serve me. How can I make peace with, you know, leaving the world of science behind me, at least in a way that I have known it since entering university, graduating as a bachelor, as a master, and maybe already as a PhD and step into the new role for which I have no clue about, you know, the socio. And professional name of the game. 


[00:03:34] Steps to Create Your Time Capsule

[00:03:34] today, we're going to talk about exactly that and how you can create your very own PostdocTransformation time capsule to acknowledge honor, and also let go all the identity as a scientist before stepping into your new professional journey. Plus 
[00:03:51] I'll share my own examples as a scientist who made the leap into business. Right after my graduation day in neuroscience. 
[00:04:00] we dive into the nuts and bolts of making a time capsule let's talk about why such a time capsule is a powerful exercise for your career transition. So when you are leaving science behind, you will also say goodbye to the very structured and methods and evidence-based world of science? And trade that in for a fast-paced sometimes even ambiguous world of business.
[00:04:27] So transitioning out of academia into a non-scientific role. I can feel like a significant change in identity. 
Let's pause for a moment to respect those who sponsor this valuable episode. I want to share with you my best marketing agent. Serving my underprivileged, underrepresented and underserved audience, leads and clients is key for me. As an Asian working mom, business owner and professor in Germany. But I can't be marketing and selling all the time.
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If you want to try Podbean for your own podcasting, DM or email me Podbean so I can share my experience. Please check it out via my link in the show notes. I only got a small financial reward if you become their customer using my Podbean link.
Thanking our advertisers for their financial support, we are happy to return to our inspiring episode.


[00:05:38] Emotional Journey of Career Transition

[00:05:38] And just to give you a heads-up of what can happen to you. I quickly share my own career transition. And most importantly, my emotional turmoil back then. 
[00:05:47] I remember that feeling. When I made the leap myself, it wasn't just about a new job. It was about letting go of this deeply ingrained idea of who I was. I was a scientist, right? A, researcher decorated with two scholarships, three first author publications, one monography and two junior research awards. I wanted to become a professor since I was a teenager. And suddenly I had to I had to figure out how I can let go. Of that identity while still appreciating. What it gave me. And trying not to be arrogant. To be humble and to learn as much as I can to hit the ground running was something. I had to learn in a hard way. 
[00:06:40] I was absolutely thrown into cold waters when I leaped into business because I applied. At Aldi south for becoming a technical translator. Because obviously I was able to speak in English and also I had. A few coding skills. But I wouldn't have never applied for the role as an it analyst. However, the hiring manager. Challenged me. And said with a PhD, you'll probably, won't be happy as a technical translator. 
[00:07:16] So what if you would start as an IT analyst. 
[00:07:21] Long story short, I started as an IT analyst. Imposter syndrome was my friend for more than a year, I think. 
[00:07:31] And I just want to tell you that. 
[00:07:34] This phase. It was a long phase because I had not created a time capsule. Because I was always in between this. Why did I leave? Should I have tried or not, or whatever? The only thing that was keeping me onwards in my transition and to embrace my future was because I was aligned, my decision was aligned according to my vision of life.
[00:08:04] And that's part of the next episode as well. 
[00:08:07] let's go back to the concept of a time capsule. It's an intentional way to release your past self without rejecting it. You're not erasing your experience. Instead you are packaging it up, put a bow on that, honor it and give yourself the freedom to move forward into a new chapter. 
[00:08:26] It creates psychological closure. 
[00:08:30] do you actually create this time capsule? I want you to approach this as a meaningful ritual, and I'll put you in a city to reflect on what has shaped you. you want to bring into your next professional chapter. 


[00:11:05] Writing Letters for Your Time Capsule

[00:11:05] You can write three letters, letter number one. Write a letter to your scientist's self. Explain why you want to leave academia? changed since you started in academia and what has disappointed you or disillusioned you? Identify and also be grateful for all your lessons learned. The resilience you have built and the skills you have gained through your research years publishing and experiments. 
[00:11:35] You've been shaped by this journey and it's time to honor it. And if you are or will be be looking back in anger. You can include a section of venting about the things you had to endure. This might be even useful as a heads up, if your younger peers or your future children want to become scientists themselves. And to be honest, especially if you are. And underrepresented underprivileged and underserved scientists. You might have experienced more and other things as other people in the lab. Identify. And discerning what you can and cannot change will also help you to cope with future challenges in a new setting. Because usually the demons are the same.
[00:12:23] Number two, write another letter to your future self, imagining how you will be growing in your new role. How you will adapt and the new skills that you will develop in the business world. And if you can't write one now because it's all too, you know, Diffuse. Don't worry. In our last episode number 57, embrace your future - appreciate your past, we actually talked about goal setting. we also talked about the business model use. So that episode will be very handy for writing your letter to the future self. 
[00:13:00] And just to be realistic. This gap between PhD graduation or your last postdoc position and your first job in business. This gap can be also very long, more than a year. So, being jobless for more than a year is another thing that you have to be prepared for. 


[00:12:56] Let's pause for a moment to respect those who sponsor this valuable episode.
And did you know that we offer deep dive e-course workshops and memberships at graduate schools? Maybe also at yours in the future. Ask your graduate school coordinator, whether they want to book my services so that I can deliver them to you 24 seven, 365 on your mobile device. 
And even better, if you get us paid by your grad school, we will pay you 50 percent recurring sales commissions.
So, you will earn money with us as we help you and your PhD besties to [00:05:00] transition into business. We can build our PostdocTransformation together.


Hey, before we continue, we want to appreciate those who financed this valuable episode for you. I want to share with you my time and energy saver. As a professor for industrial and occupational psychology, I also teach about the future of work. And as a former IT strategy consultant, of course I embrace AI to be a future proof podcast producer of the PostdocTransformation Show and the CreatingReorganized Show.
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Descript even suggests the best clips for social media and the video editor automatically includes the synchronized speakers, cameras, and audio captions. I can also include stock graphics or pre recorded videos, and you can find all our short form examples on our Instagram and TikTok @postdoctransformation.
If you want to try out Descript for your own podcast editing, DM or email me Descript so I can share my experience and consult you. Please check it out on my link in the show notes. I only get a small financial reward if you become their customer using my Descript link.
After this quick appreciation of our sponsors, we are now back in our insightful episode.
[00:14:11] Now, back to this episode and the third three, write a letter as a warning and a checkup before coming back to academia. This might sound crazy. I know, but especially if you feel forced out of academia because you tried everything and you achieved everything, but tenured professorship. Or maybe you left before and have the vague feeling of not having tried enough or whatever. Right. 
[00:14:42] So if you have this mixed feelings, then it is possible that every now and then you will think of coming back. And I swear at every networking event I go to, when I share that I am a professor, sooner or later one or two or three people will come sign with me that, you know, They are also a PhD, but to come back to academia or they want to finish that PhD or whatever. 
[00:15:12] So. All of that is legitimate. And that's why I recorded it also. This episode, number 11, the best reasons for you to come back to academia after you have thrived in business. Listen to that or save that for later, you will thank me later.
[00:15:33] But back to you again for this situation. Here's your writing prompt. What do you need? Uh, what must happen so that you would want to come back to academia? What do you want to do differently as a professor compared to your before you were leaving. Which is today, right? So, what do we want to do differently as compared to other professors from your past. Essentially. What would be your why to come back? 
[00:16:01] And in also three letters, you can be creative. Maybe you want to draw a picture? Create a collage. Write a song or, you know, a poem. If you're not creative, you can even use AI to create something with your words, with your letter. I often write songs for important milestones, turning points in my life. 
[00:16:23] example, I wrote and sang also my PostdocTransformation Show jingle. And every time I listened to that while I'm editing or so it reminds me that I actually had plans to record songs when I was 16. I participated in songwriting contests. Just in case you're asking no, all major record companies at that time rejected me. So, that is gone in my past. 

[00:16:50] Symbolic Items for Your Time Capsule    

[00:16:50] Now back to you again, I want you to think about symbolic items from your lab or your office. Okay. So include physical items that represent your time in academia. Maybe it's an old lab notebook or a research tool, like pipette or in my case, it would have been something with an EEG cap, somethingRef can even be a conference book or abstract book or a badge or something like that. These objects hold memories and represent a version of yourself that is evolving. And letting go of them in this capsule helps release your attachment to that that identity. 
[00:17:29] And here's something that is probably very old school and you would laugh, but. I never did this. So I'm telling you. Take a picture of your lab and your desk. I wish I had done that. Back then that was not a thing to document everything with your iPhone, so to speak. But, you know, now my messy desk and paper piles stained with coffee and breadcrumbs and everything, the EEG, the FMRI scanner in Germany, Australia, and England. 
[00:18:02] I just memories in my head. And the building in Germany actually has been refurbished. 
[00:18:08] So there's nothing that I can go to in Germany to celebrate my memories. I want you to have at least pictures of that.
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Again, I only get a small financial reward if you become their customer using my Typeform link.


[00:20:39] Cherishing Academic Achievements

[00:20:39] Your key scientific achievements are also the next thing that I want you to cherish. You should collect all the things that represent your proudest academic achievements, our accomplishments, maybe a published paper or an award. 
[00:20:55] This isn't about just, you know, letting go and throw that away. But also about reminding yourself about how far you've come. 
[00:21:04] These achievements aren't erased. They are part of a foundation that you're building on as you move into business. Print out. your papers. Even the one in progress. 
[00:21:18] Print out the posters in small, of course, maybe even copy the journal cover off your article. 
[00:21:28] And here's a pro tip. You should also print out your student's teaching evaluations. If you want to remember them. Okay. So if they aren't over the moon, don't worry. Usually Usually students who you failed in their exams, or you mark below their expectations, tend to be overrepresented in the the evaluations and of course, They will mark you as low as possible. 
[00:21:55] It's only human. You'll have to reframe that accordingly. 


[00:21:59] Letting Go and Embracing New Roles

[00:21:59] I also want you to think about a letting go token, this can be something simple, like a small rock, or a slip of paper with a single word on it. Symbolizing what you need to release. 
[00:22:11] Perhaps it's your fear of not being seen as an expert in your new role in war? Maybe it's your worry about navigating office politics or learning a new vocabulary business language? Whatever it is includes something that embodies your intend to let go of that fear or doubt. 
[00:22:30] if fear and doubt trigger you, please also listen to our two episodes, tame your fears before leaping into business part one and two. Because you really have to control that. Personally, I felt like a persona non grata when I left academia. 
[00:22:47] that was also reflected in my early days in business. 
[00:22:53] My husband always said that at that time, had this feeling that I felt of myself like being Plankton at the very last. 
[00:23:02] supply chain, so to speak. And I had a huge learning curve to evolve into my new professional identity. Even though academia and businesses seem to be in stark contrast yourpersonality, your habits will potentially serve and harm you in both worlds. 
[00:23:22] So you better tame your fears. 
Hey, before we continue, we want to appreciate those who financed this valuable episode for you.
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If you want to try out Thinkific for creating your own e course and membership, DM or email me at Thinkific, so I can share my experience and consult you. Please check it out via my link in the show notes. I only got a small financial reward if you become their customer using my Thinkific link.
After this quick appreciation of our sponsors, we are now back in our insightful episode.    


[00:25:15] Creating Your Time Capsule


[00:25:15] Once you have chosen your time capsule items. That's the three letters. One to the scientists one to the future self, and one also as a checkup, whether you want to come back or not. Then you have also items from your lab or the pictures, and also your letting go token. Once you have all your time capsule items. 
[00:25:36] I want you to find a nice box. Like I I have only one big box too, which I continuously add. And I you like, you can download and print out our PostdocTransformation time capsule picture. So you can use that for sealing your time capsule. Yes. 
[00:25:54] You heard me correctly. I said sealing. Why? 

[00:25:57] Sealing the Time Capsule

[00:25:57] Now. That's the most powerful part sealing the time capsule. This act symbolizes that you are ready to embrace you a future without being held back. By the weight of your past and think of this PostdocTransformation hot air balloon, right. 
[00:26:14] When you enter the balloon is still on the ground and it won't lift up. When it's still have those weights on it attached, but if you let them go. The balloon will be able to go up in the air. And that's essentially what I want you to also have for yourself. 
[00:26:37] This time capsule symbolizes the weight of your past. it doesn't mean that you're forgetting your experience as a scientist, like I said already, but it's rather recognizing that it's time for you to lift up. 
[00:26:53] You can physically seal the capsule by placing your items in a box. I could container some people even like to bury it orSomewhere. If you don't want to part with physical objects, the act of mentally sealing time capsule is also working well. 
[00:27:10] The key is to give yourself permission to let go of parts of your scientific identity. 
[00:27:16] That no longer serve you. let go of expectations, tied to the role as a scientist, and to let go of the idea that when you transition into a business role, your worth as a researcher is reduced. It's not. And I can tell you. I have already met my own supervisors from my past a couple of times. At it was always a heartfelt welcome back. And celebration of what I have become since then. 
[00:27:50] just shifting your skills and perspective into a new arena. 
[00:27:54] And even, you know, become something bigger. You allow yourself to use different type of skillset that that maybe even wasn't appreciated in science. now you can be your true self. Maybe you're using your transferable skills and think, well, these are not your best core scientific skills, but it doesn't matter just because you can be a scientist. 
[00:28:19] You don't have to be a scientist all the time. if your new role is a non-scientific one being too scientific can be intimidating for your team members. Your boss. You don't have to prove it. You know what you can. And the time capsule will reflect that. 
[00:28:38] So once you are a time capsule to sealed, take a moment to reflect you've honored your past, and now you're ready to step confidently into your new future and scientific background. 
[00:28:50] Your mindset is still with you, but it doesn't have to define you in this new space. Okay. Think of it as a jumpstart foundation, you're building on not a limiting box you're stuck in. 


[00:29:03] Transitioning into Business

[00:29:03] And moving into business, or industry. will new skills, a business mindset, obviously. The willingness to be a beginner. A bloody beginner again, in some areas. All areas really. But remember the problem solving abilities. Analytical mindset and persistence that you have honed as a scientist are huge assets, you're more prepared for this new challenge then you may realize. 
[00:30:49] You don't need to completely let go of your identity, but you need to allow room for your new identity to grow and make new mistakes. evolve as a personality. 
[00:31:03] By creating this time capsule you have created a boundary between who you were and who you are becoming. One that allows you to move forward with clarity and confidence. And I'm not the only one telling you that. I want you to also listen to the interviews of the PostdocTransformation Show with Dr. Sonja Ulland Ulaan. 
[00:31:26] Dr. Christine Solf and Dr. Emily Rosenthal and Dr. Luna Munoz.
[00:31:31] BecauseI will link to them in the show notes. And maybe And maybe you will also discover. That you had prejudices towards the business world, and then you can be a great sales and marketing professional. Even though that is more or less the opposite of what a scientist would behave. But because you 
[00:31:53] were able to let go and to embrace. You are giving yourself the opportunity just discover this as well. 
Let's pause for a moment to respect those who sponsor this valuable episode.
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You need a bridge into your Future of Work

[00:32:00] So what's next after you have created your time capsule I would I want you to think of this as the first step in building the bridge to your new professional life. 
[00:32:12] in our season finale we will build the bridge you need tomorrow. So stay tuned and subscribe on your favorite podcast player, if you haven't so you don't miss it now back to your time capsule this symbolic letting go, doesn't end here. It's something that you can revisit. Whenever you need to, whenever you feel the weight of your past, creeping into your new role. 
[00:32:37] As you move forward, I encourage you to adopt the mindset of a learner. Embrace the fact that you will encounter situations that feel unfamiliar. Just Just like you did when you first stepped into the lab or defended your thesis, challenges are part of your growth and transformation into this new version of yourself. After a couple of years in IT, which I really enjoyed as an IT strategy consultant at Accenture. I became pregnant and returned to academia to be appointed as a professor at an applied university in Germany. That was 2014. 
[00:33:16] So 10 My oldest kid is 10 years old and I have just recently celebrated my 10 years anniversary as a professor.
[00:33:24] And as much as I love teaching. I love learning. And working in tech. So learned to play the social media game and to create a podcast and to state the obvious every change. Every learning curve. Was boosted by my previous experience. 
[00:34:48] So, trust me. You can be proud of your achievements and will be back as a high performer in no time. 
[00:34:56] And if you ever feel uncertain, remember the time capsule is there as a reminder of how far you've come. What you have let go of. And the limitless potential you hold, for what's to come. 


[00:36:04] Conclusion and Next Steps

[00:36:04] Thank you so much for joining me today on the PostdocTransformation Show. I hope this exercise of creating a time capsule helps you mark this moment in your career transition. You deserve to enter your next chapter with confidence, clarity, and a peace of mind. If you found this episode helpful, please subscribe, leave a review and share it with your PhD besties, because this is how I get to help you for free. 
[00:36:31] As always, I would love to hear from you feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or send me your questions for future episodes and even take a picture of your sealed time capsule that would really make my day.
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Please check it out via my link in the show notes. Again, I only get a small financial reward if you become their customer using my Later link.
Thanking our advertisers for their financial support, we are happy to return to our inspiring episode.
[00:42:26] Have you found this episode so far helpful for yourself? Well, maybe you can subscribe on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Podbean, or wherever you get our show. And also share this episode with your PhD bestie because that would encourage us to help the underprivileged, underrepresented, and underserved early career scientists leaping into business.
[00:42:46] This would also ensure that you don't miss a future episode. Also, Our subscription and listening numbers are key for finding the right sponsors for our show so that we can help you for free. 
[00:42:59] After this quick appreciation of our sponsors, we are now back in our insightful episode.
Remember, you are a PostdocTransformer, you are highly intelligent, well educated, a bachelor, master, and maybe you have already your doctor under your belt, or you are a postdoc. You are internationally experienced, fluent in English, a leader and expert in your prior research field. You're resilient, brilliant in adaptation and problem solving.
You are eager to bring in the transferable and monetizable skills needed in many companies to embrace the future and to become, or remain, an innovator in their markets.
Hey, Postdoc Transformer, are you curious to ask professors, principal investigators, visiting scientists, postdocs, PhD students, and candidates some in depth life and career guiding questions? But it feels cringe, so you end up not asking? 
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Do you want a transcript of our episode? And our episode sponsors answers to all six bold questions so that you can choose to apply. Do you want to nominate your potential employer of choice so that we can ask them our bold questions? For all of that, click on our links in our show notes and on our website, www.postdoctransformation. com. Remember to check your readiness to leap out of science and to enroll in our free email course Career Transition Made Simple. 
Thanks for your attention. I'm Prof. Dr. Eleonore Soei Winkels, the host of your seasonal PostdocTransformation Show.


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9) How to choose the right job offer. 
10) How to prepare for your new job
Enroll now for free.


Have you found this episode so far helpful for yourself? Well, maybe you can subscribe on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Podbean, or wherever you get our show. And also share this episode with your PhD bestie because that would encourage us to help the underprivileged, underrepresented, and underserved early career scientists leaping into business.
This would also ensure that you don't miss a future episode. Also, our subscription and listening numbers are key for finding the right sponsors for our show so that we can help you for free. 


PostdocTransformation is a proud sponsor for PhDSciCom

Thank you for listening!

Do you want a transcript of our episode? And our episode sponsors answers to all six bold questions so that you can choose to apply. Do you want to nominate your potential employer of choice so that we can ask them our bold questions? For all of that, click on our links in our show notes and on our website, www.postdoctransformation.com. Remember to check your readiness to leap out of science and to enroll in our free email course Career Transition Made Simple. Thanks for your attention. I'm Prof. Dr. Eleonore Soei Winkels, the host of your seasonal Postdoc Transformation Show.
Hey, do you want to boost your PostdocTransformation and gain practical business experience? Click below to apply for a podcasting business internship with us!



So, we are at the end of this episode, and I would love to have you, PostdocTransformers, to contribute to future seasons. We have a PostdocTransformation show newsletter where we inform about upcoming episodes, or we lay out the planning for the next seasons so that you are able to forecast who you want to ask as well as role models, or maybe you want to ask a couple of questions certain guest that is upcoming. 



This PostdocTransformation show was brought to you by Prof. Dr. Eleonore Soei-Winkels


Leveraging podcasting for attracting the best students from all over the world


If you are a university chancellor, grad school dean, speaker, professor, have you ever wondered how to make your grad school stand out in the crowded landscape of academia? 
Do you aim to attract the best master's students from all over the world to learn from and work with your professors so that your research remains globally recognized and well funded? Do you wish to repel bad applications which aren't tailored towards your grad school's research profile?
Now, let's talk about a powerful branding tool, podcasts. They're a game changer for higher education institutions. As a professor, active on TikTok, Instagram, LinkedIn, and a podcast host and producer of this Postdoc Transformation Show, I'm here to encourage all the graduate school representatives to think beyond the conventional marketing mechanism.
Instead of being one of many vendors, at a time limited grad school fair, why not create a podcast that showcases your grad school as the ultimate destination for the world's best masters students. Share inspiring and encouraging stories of your top PhD students, high profile alumni, your Your faculty and the incredible opportunities your grad school offers.
A podcast can be a window into your school's vibrant community. It's cutting edge research and unique experiences, and in times of AI generated marketing material, a podcast with your academic leaders. This would prepare your best candidates for the application.
Even better, you can support and make your current Ph. D. students and postdocs visible for their next career steps in academia or business. Remember, successful graduates elevate your grad school's reputation. So, if you are a university chancellor, grad school dean, speaker, professor, Consider this. By launching a podcast for your grad school, you can elevate your grad school's brand and tell aspiring scientists and employers what makes your grad school the best choice, with scalable, evergreen content.
If you're interested, forward this to your marketing representative and get our list of 30 sample episode titles customizable for your grad school podcast. And just enter an email address on my website, www. postdoctransformation. com as linked in the show notes. As a seasoned professor and podcaster, I'm also happy to strategize about how you can launch your grad school podcast on Podbean, the podcast hosting platform we use for the Postdoc Transformation Show, supporting scientists leaping into business.
Thank you for reading our full transcript of this episode. 
For the PostdocTransformation show, we will interview industry experts, leaders in the corporate world, but also companies serving early career scientists leaping into business. 
If you want to let us know who we should interview and bring into the show, please subscribe to our inner circle newsletter. In there you can share with us your career transition questions and suggest topics for future episodes. 
This way, you will have a voice in our PostdocTransformation show. 
If you value our show, please share your favorite episodes with your PhD besties,   
follow us on socials and also let us know via direct message what you enjoyed! 
We really appreciate positive reviews and stories on all social platforms and podcast players!
Because this show is for free, but we need sponsors to bring the show to you. So, please help us to help you on your PostdocTransformation.
All right, thanks for listening and I hope that you will watch our show and also listen to our show for the next episodes. And like I said, go back to the previous episodes. I think they have valuable insights for you.
We appreciate every one of you!


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